Two-page Digest Submission

Authors are invited to submit a two-page digest to the conference CEFC 2024. All accepted 2-page digests will be published as part of the conference records in IEEE Xplore Digital Library.

Conference Digest Template

The digest should be in the PDF format and must follow the format outlined in the template file. You can use Microsoft Word or LaTeX to prepare the digest. Please use one of the following template files:

Please check if your PDF file appears correctly in a PDF reader. This is especially important when using nonstandard fonts that are sometimes not embedded in the PDF file.

Online Submission System

**Two-page Digest Submission Due: December 12, 2023 December 19, 2023 / 23:59 (EST)

Authors can submit the two-page digest via the ConfTool system of the conference.
It is necessary to create a new ConfTool account.

In preparing the two-page paper, please keep in mind the following points:

IEEE PDF Express Guideline

All accepted papers submitted for inclusion in IEEE Xplore must adhere to the IEEE Xplore PDF specification for compatibility. IEEE PDF-eXpress is a free service to IEEE conferences, allowing their authors to make IEEE Xplore-compatible PDFs (conversion function) or to check PDFs that authors have made themselves for IEEE Xplore compatibility (PDF Check function).

IEEE E-Copyright

Authors of accepted papers will have to sign the IEEE Copyright Form. The IEEE Copyright Form can be signed directly through ConfTool and the button to start the process (named: Electronic Copyright Form) is located right below the button for Submission of the Final Version. The mentioned button will appear after the review results are released.

Papers will not be accepted into the conference program without electronic copyright.
*Detailed guideline shall be updated later.

IEEE CrossCheck

Plagiarism and Excessive Re-use of Earlier Material
Make sure that your paper is substantially different from (your) previously published work. Manuscripts will be checked for plagiarism and multiple publication using IEEE CrossCheck Portal ( Submitting authors will be checked have they been prohibited from publishing with any or all IEEE publications using The IEEE Prohibited Authors List (PAL) Database.

For the authors who received the result of the similarity score more than 31% in extended summary, please make sure to adjust it with 30% or less in final manuscript.

For the authors who received the result of the similarity score less than 31%, please keep the same level in final manuscript.

Four-page Full Paper Submission

Authors of the accepted two-page papers and presented in the Conference CEFC 2024 are invited to submit an extended 4-page version for peer review and possible publication in a future issue of IEEE Transactions on Magnetics. The review process will be performed according to the IEEE standards.

Templates and technical instructions for preparing the full papers can be found at this link; ( Choose the IEEE Transactions on Magnetics template and Original Research.

The 4-page full papers must be submitted through the Atypon Systems (
The submission system will open on May 27, 2024.

Required Files

Optional Files

The deadline for full papers submission is June 14, 2024. Please note that this deadline must be strictly observed since the ScholarOne submission site will be closed automatically without any further extension of the deadline.