June 2 (Sun.)
  Room 1
(Samda A)
Room 2
(Samda B)
Room 3
Room 4
Lobby Lobby
15:30-18:00 150'           Registration
18:30-20:00 90' Welcome Reception (Ocean View)
June 3 (Mon.)
  Room 1
(Samda A)
Room 2
(Samda B)
Room 3
Room 4
Lobby Lobby
09:00-09:20 20' Opening Ceremony (Halla A+B) Exhibition & Registration
09:20-10:00 40' Plenary Session 1 (Halla A+B)

Prof. Christophe Geuzaine (University of Liège , Belgium)

Finite Element Modelling of Superconducting Systems: Mathematical Formulations, Open Source Software and Applications

10:00-10:20 20' Coffee Break
10:20-12:00 100' [MM_O1]
Numerical Techniques 1
Static and Quasi-static Fields 1
Optimization and Design 1
Devices and Applications 1
12:00-13:30 90' Lunch
13:30-15:00 90'         [MA_P]
Poster Session 1
15:00-15:20 20' Coffee Break
15:20-17:00 100' [MA_O1]
Numerical Techniques 2
Static and Quasi-static Fields 2
Optimization and Design 2
Devices and Applications 2
June 4 (Tue.)
  Room 1
(Samda A)
Room 2
(Samda B)
Room 3
Room 4
Lobby Lobby
09:00-09:40 40' Plenary Session 2 (Halla A+B)

Prof. Tetsuji Matsuo (Kyoto University, Japan)

Physical/Phenomenological Modeling of Magnetic Materials

Exhibition & Registration
09:40-10:00 20' Coffee Break
10:00-11:20 80' [TM_O1]
Numerical Techniques 3
Static and Quasi-static Fields 3
Material Modeling 1
Devices and Applications 3
11:20-12:30 70'         [TM_P]
Poster Session 2
12:30-14:00 90' Lunch
14:00-15:30 90'         [TA_P]
Poster Session 3
15:30-15:50 20' Coffee Break
15:50-17:10 80' [TA_O1]
Numerical Techniques 4
Static and Quasi-static Fields 4
Material Modeling 2
Devices and Applications 4
18:00-20:00 120' Banquet (Booyoung Hotel)  
June 5 (Wed.)
  Room 1
(Samda A)
Room 2
(Samda B)
Room 3
Room 4
Lobby Lobby
09:00-09:40 40' Plenary Session 3 (Halla A+B)

Prof. Shiyou Yang (Zhejiang University, China)

Low Frequency Metamaterial and Its Numerical Modeling

Exhibition & Registration
09:40-10:00 20' Coffee Break
10:00-11:20 80' [WM_O1]
Numerical Techniques 5
Coupled Problems
Optimization and Design 3
Devices and Applications 5
11:20-12:30 70'         [WM_P]
Poster Session 4
12:30-14:00 90' Lunch
14:00-15:30 90'         [WA_P]
Poster Session 5
15:30-15:50 20' Coffee Break
15:50-17:10 80' [WA_O1]
Numerical Techniques 6
Wave Propagation
Optimization and Design 4
Devices and Applications 6
17:20-17:40 20' Closing Ceremony (Halla A+B)
Presentation Type Topics Session Code
Oral 1. Static and Quasi-static Fields MM_O2, MA_O2, TM_O2, TA_O2
2. Wave Propagation WA_O2
3. Material Modeling TM_O3, TA_O3
4. Coupled Problems WM_O2
5. Numerical Techniques MM_O1, MA_O1, TM_O1, TA_O1, WM_O1, WA_O1
6. Optimization and Design MM_O3, MA_O3, WM_O3, WA_O3
11. Devices and Applications MM_O4, MA_O4, TM_O4, TA_O4, WM_O4, WA_O4
Poster Poster Session 1 MA_P
Poster Session 2 TM_P
Poster Session 3 TA_P
Poster Session 4 WM_P
Poster Session 5 WA_P

How to See the Presentation Codes

Oral Session Code

Session Code + Presentation Code
Day of Week Time Slot _ Session No. _ Presentation No.
(Session Room No.)
M Monday M Morning _ O1 Room 1 _ 01 1
T Tuesday A Afternoon _ O2 Room 2 _ 02 2
W Wednesday       O3 Room 3 _ 03 3
          O4 Room 4 _ 04 4
                05 5

Poster Session Code

Session Code + Presentation Code
Day of Week Time Slot _ Poster Session  _ Presentation No.
M Monday M Morning _ P _ 01 1
T Tuesday A Afternoon _ P _ 02 2
W Wednesday     _ P _ 03 3
          P _ 04 4
          P _ 05 5